Sunday 25 November 2012

First Assignment Completed!

Here it is! My finished result! Now with the model itself I think I've done a good job as it's just under 600 tris, but I'm not happy with the texturing. It looks really basic, and the pillars have messed up in the UV Map which I didn't realise until it was too late. I wanted to paint a varnished wood texture for the wood, but I couldn't figure out how to do it, and the tutorials I looked at used other images, so I tried my best to make it look decent but I think it looks boring. When it comes to handing assignments in again during the resubmissions, I will hopefully become a whole lot better at Photoshop than I am now, and to hopefully make this awesome model look really awesome, and not basic and boring.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

UV Mapping

This is my UV Mapping of my grandfather clock. It wasn't hard to do, how it was time consuming. All I have to do to this map now is to import it into Photoshop and to add my own hand painted textures.

Thursday 15 November 2012

3D model

This is my 3D model of my grandfather clock. As you can see I haven't strayed away from my concept design, but the back appears to be missing even though it is there. At the moment I don't know what the problem is, but I will amend it eventually. All I need to do now to this model is to ad the clock face and fix the problem.

Saturday 10 November 2012

My Concept!

This is my concept art for the grandfather clock that I am going to model. On the left is a simple design, and on the right is a more detailed version. I've gone with a simple yet elegant design, by having it a rectangle with pillars and a fancy ornament on top.

Thursday 1 November 2012

First Assignment!

For my first assignment I have been given the task of modelling one of the following things with its limited tri count.
1. Grandfather clock (600 tris)
2. Sword and shield (2 sets) (600 tris)
3. Treasure Chest (2 sets) (600 tris)
4. Old West Cart (1000 tris)
5. Forklift Car (900 tris)
6. King's Throne (900 tris)

I've chosen to do the grandfather clock as I see that as the most appealing. I'm also meant to do a concept design, which must include a front, side, and back view of my asset. Also I must UV map and texture my asset myself with my own textures.