Monday 15 April 2013

Final Hand In

For my final hand-in I had to fully complete the model by baking it and texturing it. From there I had to render it in either UDK, Marmoset, or to use the Xiaoliu shader. I rendered my work in UDK and Marmoset. This is my final result and hand-in.

High and Low Poly Models

These are my high and low poly models. The low poly model was meant to be under 6000 tris, which it is. The high poly model had no limitation on how many tris were allowed to be used.
This is what I have handed in for this milestone.

 Low Poly
High Poly

Concept Art

This is my concept art, and the design of my gun that I am going to create.
This is what I have handed in for my first milestone of the assignment.

Third Assignment: FPS Gun

For my third assignment I have to create my own FPS Gun. This assignment is set with three milestones. For the first milestone, I have to do research and create a concept of the gun that I want to create. For the second milestone, I have to create a high poly and a low poly model of the gun. And for the final milestone, I have to bake my low poly model and texture it.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Goblin renders

Texturing complete

Over the next week I completed the texturing for the model as these are the results.

Overall I am pleased with the result, because I am no Photoshop wizard. I will upload an image of what the textures look like on the models next.

Texturing assingment

Two weeks ago I was given an assignment, which was to choose a 3d model from polycount and create my own textures for the model. I had the UV Maps to work from my chosen model, which was a goblin with a scimitar and shield. I was given two weeks to complete this assignment and within a week I had done this much.

So far I had only done the shield, scimitar, eyes, and a few extra things.
The 3d model itself was made by Paul "MoP" Greveson.