Saturday 6 October 2012

My first post!

Hello there my fellow readers!

My name is Nathan Winfield, and I am currently studying BA (Hons) Games Design at Futureworks. I will be posting blogs on Blogger for each of my separate classes to show you 'the world' what I am working on, and see my skills develop and expand as I progress through the next 3 years.

Granted some of the things that I will post on here may confuse some people in the way I express them, so if you have any questions or suggestions or even better feedback, I am happy to answer and take all suggestions and feedback.

This blog is for my class on 3D Modelling. Even though I have got 2 years experience in 3D Modelling, I will be developing my skills even further and to a higher level in this class.

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned!